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11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)
11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)

11 Mukhi Rudraksha 23mm In Silver Capping (Nepal Origin)


11 Mukhi Rudraksha is a divine bead that is blessed by Lord Hanuman, also known as Ekadash Rudra. 11-faced rudraksha is a rare bead that represents the energies of the eleven Rudras. It is associated with the throat chakra, which is the center of wisdom and willpower.



  • 11 Mukhi rudraksha pure bead in brown color. 
  • 23mm eleven face rudraksha from nepal origin. 
  • 11 faced silver capped rudraksha have many benefits - Negotiation skills, self-confidence, intelligence, physical strength, and a powerful mind, Mental health with short-tempered individuals manage their anger, Physical health It can also improve immunity, Career oriented Enhances confidence, intellect, awareness, and communication skills, Spiritual benefits also help remove negative energy around you and protect your health. 
  • For Wearing - Clean the bead with gangajal or cow's milk before wearing it, Decorate the rudraksha with sandalwood paste and flowers, Sit facing the Puja Altar of your house in the East direction. With a focused mind chant the Mantra 'AUM HREEM HOOM NAMAH' 108 times and wear the Rudraksha. 
  • For Cleanse - Place the Rudraksha bead in a clean container and cover it with water leave it for a few hours or overnight, preferably under moonlight, use brush to remove dust or impurities dry the beads under a fan for 4-5 hours, Make a paste of sandalwood powder and water and gently rub this over the beads while chanting “Om Namah Shivaya”. Then wash the paste off with water. 
  • You should avoid eating non-veg food, alcohol and visiting cemetery while wearing the 11 Mukhi Rudraksha.

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